Here’s our collection of blogs on Health.

Oh Canada. Please Take Heed.
Ok folks. If you’re not really concerned, then you haven’t been listening. If you have been listening and you’re not feeling panicky, then you really need a reality check. To quote from my website: ….Holy Sh*t We’re in Trouble…. ….Humanity is in...
Spreading Knowledge To Overcome Fear
It sounds so obvious but unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to be working. There is a group of really smart people at the Genetic Literacy Project (GLP) whose motto is “science not ideology” who are working hard at getting us to think this way. It’s not at all...
Why Am I Talking About “Saved By Science”?
Why am I blogging every week or so? Why have I developed a website called: Why have I written a book with the same title? I’ve always known — well at least for the last 50 years — that we have a problem with scientific literacy. It...
A Food Warning
Make no mistake about it, the security of the world’s food supply is at risk. Many scientists, concerned about population growth and global warming, have been warning us that by the year 2050 we will not be able to grow enough food to feed all of...
Houston, Houston, We Have A Problem
More and more people are refusing to be vaccinated. Let me begin this with a quick quiz. Which of the following are the two most important developments in Medicine over the course of the past 150 years ? Heart Surgery and Cardiac Care; Medical...
Science Matters: First Comes Data, Then Comes Facts
What good is data if we don’t use it? The COVID-19 Pandemic is a perfect example of just how unprepared our health care systems are to deal with sudden change. As of this writing, about 150,000 people in North America are dead largely because of our...
Evidence Matters — Part III
Too often it doesn’t. We need to know why and we have to fix it. It is clear that we are in the throes of an information crisis. Somehow, we need to establish the authority of facts, not left or right or Democrat or Republican. We must distinguish facts...
Evidence Matters — Part II
And it's not okay that…… millions of people are being “abused” and many even dying as a result of evil people using false data and making false scientific claims for their own financial or political benefit. It’s not only wrong, it’s criminal and what’s...
Evidence Matters
Well, that sounds like a pretty trite and “self-evident” statement. You would think that this would be pretty obvious, especially when it comes to to our health and to the many other issues affecting our very existence (e.g. our food supply and the...
The 4th Industrial Revolution
The 1st Industrial Revolution occurred sometime between the late 1700s and the early 1800s and represented a major shift from a largely agrarian and “handicraft” economy to one dominated by organized industrial and machine manufacturing. The 2nd Industrial...