Here’s our collection of blogs on the Environment.

A Place Called KLEEN

A Place Called KLEEN

The name of this fictional “self-contained” entity is KLEEN. You could think of KLEEN as an independent country — although, it could also be a state, a province or a region within a country. Coal, oil and gas were discovered in KLEEN around the early 1900s...

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The Nature of Food Must Change

The Nature of Food Must Change

And why is that? Simply put, agriculture is one of our core activities that is destroying our environment. It is one of the major contributors to global warming and climate change. And what’s the evidence for that you might ask? Population growth and...

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Let’s Slay The Bogeyman

Let’s Slay The Bogeyman

Nuclear Power is safe, clean and can have a very small carbon footprint. By all accounts, it is an important technology which may allow us to save humanity from the ravages of climate change and global warming. It has, however, a reputation which is not...

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Our Fossil Fuel Addiction

Our Fossil Fuel Addiction

Addiction is defined as a disease in which a person or persons find themselves unable to stop using a substance or engaging in a particular behaviour. Our relationship to fossil fuels is a perfect example of this. However, this is no simple disorder. It is...

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The Future Of Food

The Future Of Food

In the broad light of day, we have to face some pretty fundamental and global questions about the security of the world’s food supply. They may not seem so obvious to most of us who currently live in the presence of plenty. Make no mistake and be...

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