Here’s our collection of blogs on Health.

Wikipedia defines Gaslighting as a form of psychological manipulation in which a person or group covertly sows seeds of doubt in a targeted individual attempting to destabilize the victim and delegitimize the victim’s beliefs. Psychology Today reminds us...
On Government: Lessons From COVID-19
Do we need more or can we survive with less? There is no question that we are in the midst of a major catastrophe which will result in important change. Cities and countries are in lockdown. Fifth Avenue in New York, Bond Street in London and the Champs...
Trump’s War On Science
Not only is it insane but it’s the antithesis (that means it’s the “opposite” in case he’s reading this) of what has made America great. If Trump continues his war on science and we allow it then we can guarantee that America will lose its edge. We will all be the...
On Cannabis…Or Marijuana
A Brief History Cannabis use has been known since at least 3000 BC, when the plant was used for fiber and rope and for its psychoactive properties for both religious and recreational use. The earliest restriction to cannabis use can be dated as far back as...
You absolutely need to know what iGEM is because it’s the future. And if by nature, you’re a bit of a pessimist and worry about the future of mankind, then it’ll calm your nerves and stimulate the Optimistic side of your brain. iGEM stands for The...
Synthetic Biology……. Its Hope and Promise
The future of mankind is far from secure. I am among those who believe that many aspects of our humanity are in very serious crises; in particular, our personal health, the security of our food supply and the health of our environment. It is quite clear...
The Anti-GMO craze is not only wrong, it’s bizarre. It doesn’t make any sense. And It’s really frightening to realise that a small number of people and organizations can paint an entirely false picture of a product that has the ability to produce...
Cellular Agriculture
NOTE TO READER I’m well aware that this Blog is unlikely to win me a popularity contest amongst an awful lot of people. The average Joe will be worried, traditional farmers will be furious, and “foodies” will be appalled. But our world is in Crises. Global...
Anti GMO
An excellent essay published in the Washington Street Post (2016) by Joel Achenbach, entitled "107 Nobel laureates sign letter blasting Greenpeace over GMOs": More than 100 Nobel laureates have signed a letter urging Greenpeace to end its...
Understanding Synthetic Biology
Steve Jobs, of Apple fame was quoted shortly before his death as saying……”I think the biggest innovations of the 21st century will be at theintersections of Biology and Technology”Synthetic Biology is a relatively recent technology...